KMEA Engineering College

Lab Facilities

Electrical Machines Lab

Electrical Machines is a core subject in Electrical Engineering. The lab sets the arena to analyze and design various AC and DC machines. The machines include DC generator, DC motor, transformer, AC generator and different AC motors.

Electrical Measurements Lab

The parameters namely voltage, current, power etc. need to be properly measured. The various measuring instruments have their own principle of operation. In this lab, all these are learned with a practical blend so that they can be calibrated and used accurately for measuring these parameters in more complex circuits. Almost all the latest evolutions in measurements are done practically by students under the guidance of experienced staffs.

Power Electronics Lab

With the advent of power electronic devices, the control of machines and electrical appliance has been made easy. The lab has the latest Power Electronic devices and training kits. With the support of efficient lab staffs, the students are capable of doing practical experiments and their project works.It is an area where lots of research ideas can be designed, analyzed and implemented successfully. These researches can be used for the benefit of human kind.

Control & Simulation Lab

Control system manages, commands, directs or regulates the behavior of systems using control loops. The lab has the most modern devices and instruments to indulge and learn the various aspects in the control of other systems. MATLAB is the tool of choice for designing and simulating the control systems.

Electrical Workshop

The basics of electrical engineering are learned here. All the branches of engineering come to this lab to have an insight into the concepts of Electrical engineering so that they can have a strong idea of the basic laws governing electrical system. The lab is equipped with up to date equipment and properly maintained and managed by experienced lab staff.

Power Systems Lab

The Power Systems Lab is a critical facility within the electrical engineering department.The Power Systems Lab provides hands-on experience in electrical engineering concepts.Through laboratory exercises, students gain insights into the behavior of power system components.the Power Systems Lab provides students with practical experience in designing, analyzing, and optimizing electrical power systems.