KMEA Engineering College

Anti Drug Club

Anti Drug Campaign

KMEA Engineering College conducts talk by police officials every semester for the engineering students. This academic year began with a talk by police officials on Drug Abuse, Alcohol and mobile phone misuse. KMEA Engineering College conducted an Anti-drug campaign for the students on 29th July 2019 at the College Auditorium. Abdul Jamal, Principal S.I of Vaakathanam (Kottayam district) Police Station was the chief guest. The students were made aware of the negative effects of drug abuse on brain , lungs and heart . The male students were told how alcohol ruins their studies. The female students were specially made aware of the ways in which mobile phones ruin their lives.

The Anti-Drug Committee actively participates in talks and seminars conducted by government regarding Drug Abuse.

Convener – Anti-Drug Committee

Anti Drug Club