KMEA Engineering College

College Library

The library is housed in the Administrative Block of the college under 2 floors, which includes circulation section, stack area and reprography in the first floor. In the ground floor reference, technical and digital library. The reading area of central library has a seating capacity of 300.

The central library of KMEA Engineering College is fully automated. Library functions with Open Source Software [KOHA] since 2015 with complete information of book details, classification of books, issue and return of books. The holdings of the library can be searched through OPAC. Users can search the books by entering any keyword such as author name, title, accession number etc.

The library has a collection of 28883 Volumes and 7418 Titles. Library has special collections of reading materials for competitive examinations. The library is also a registered member of NDL which has collection of more than 6 lakh e-books. In order to enrich the student’s knowledge beyond their curriculum, the institution has subscribed Elsevier Science Direct (Engineering + Computer Science), EBSCO IEEE ASPP Online Tier 3 e-journal annual subscription. Users can have round-the-clock access of all the e-journal subscriptions through Wi-Fi/ LAN within the campus.

The library offers various services to its users like automated circulation system, online public access catalogue, reprography, internet browsing, library orientations, etc.
A digital library with 20 computer systems is provided to the users in order to access the e-resources such as e-journals, e-books, NPTEL lectures, COURSERA, Udemy etc. The support and supervision of the library staff will be available for the digital library users throughout the time.

Library also has NPTEL course contents COURSERA, Udemy which is a useful tool for both teachers and students. It enables the students to register for the online courses relevant to their curriculum.

Library Services, Rules & Regulations

Library Services

Rules and Regulations

1.  Silence to be maintained.

2.  No group discussion is permitted in the library.

3.  No personal belongings allowed inside the library. It has to be kept at the property counter.

4.  Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library.

5.  Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the library.

6.  ID card and uniform is a must to enter library.

7.  Enter your name and sign in the register kept at the entrance before entering library.

8.  Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance.

9.  The librarian reserves the right to call back any borrowed book at any time.

10.  Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises.

11.  Admission to the Library is free. Students are allowed to enter the library during lunch break, short break and after class hours in the evening. Students will be allowed in the library during the class hours only with the permission of concerned teacher, with their authorized/valid identity card.

12.  Books will be issued on production of identity card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing as they will be responsible for any damage or mutilation at the time of return.

13.  Books will be issued to the students for 14 days . It can be renewed for another 14 days before the due date, if the books are not reserved by other users. A fine of Rs.1 per day per book will be charged beyond the due date till the book is returned to library. Due date is stamped on the book slip pasted in the front page of the books.

14.  Students are required to handle the books very carefully- marking with pencil , writing or highlighting , tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.

15.  All the books are barcoded. Library transactions are done through an automated system using barcode. So due care should be given to keep the barcode tags in tact. An amount of Rs.50/- per tag will be charged if the tags are found damaged, spoiled, removed or unreadable.

16.  Reference section has encyclopaedias, dictionaries, text books, etc. which are only available for reference. Users are free to use these resources.

17.  Journal section has subject journals, general magazines and news letters. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer.

18.  Users of the library shall take care not to damage or deface any item of furniture. Wrong doers stand the risk of stringent disciplinary action against them.


BooksThe LIC has acquired over 28883 books. The books are classified according to the DDC Scheme of Library Classification. LIC Digital Catalogue (OPAC) is available in the institute LAN.
JournalsThe LIC subscribes print journals.
E-Journals and other E-ResourcesThe Library subscribes to following e-journals providing access to a number of online electronic resources to its users.

Online Full-Text Electronic Resources

  • IEEE Explore :
    IEEE- All Society Periodicals (ASPP) (217 e-journal titles) (Back files Access – since 2000. (223 e-Journals)
  • Elseiver Science Direct :
    Elsevier Engineering and Computer Science Package (275 e-journal Titles)

The above resource is IP based and are accessible within campus only.

Other Services

  • NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) : A Joint initiative of IITs and IISc, can view engineering related course materials (both web and video).
  • National Digital Library : Library integrates contents from Institutional Digital Repositories of large number of Indian Educational and Research institutions. Learning resources are made available to the learners through a single-window, National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) which has sponsored the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) project and arranged funding through MHRD. It is developed by IIT Kharagpur.

Digital Library

A digital library with 20 computer systems is provided to the users in order to access the e-resources such as e-journals, e-books, NPTEL lectures etc. The support and supervision of the library staff will be available for the digital library users throughout the time.
Library also has NPTEL course contents and other resources which is a useful tool for both teachers and students. It enables the students to register for the online courses relevant to their curriculum.

No. of systems with internet : 20
Timing : Open on all working days (8.30am – 5.00pm)


Library Staff

Saumya K K

Saumya K K

Chief Librarian

Jincy M J

Jincy M J


TSM Naseer

T S M Nazeer

Library Assistant

Abdulla K K

Abdulla K K

