KMEA Engineering College

Physical Education

KMEA Engineering College

Aims and objectives of the department of Physical Education is to develop students physical Competence and knowledge of movement and safety and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy life.

Physical activity enhances an individual’s ability to think concentrate and maintain focus. Physical Education helps in relieving stress and anxiety. Physical Education socially benefits to increase confidence, pear acceptance and leadership skills.
Physical Education benefits psychologically also it creates sense of belonging and learning to lose, respecting authority, Controlling emotions, self esteem, patience dedications and working together.

The main objectives of Physical Education are to develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility, agility and balance as these are important aspects for good performance in different games and sports.

  • To serve the nation and society for better health and active life style of people through participating in physical activities and sports.
  • Physical Education and sports wing holds a passion for the skill development through youth participation in sports and fitness programmes.


  • Provide most advanced sports infrastructure and facilities motivate students and faculties adopt physical activity and sports culture to become fit and fine.
  • To give all students opportunities and experiences that lead to the achievement of total wellness and result in a longer and healthier life


Working Procedure

  • The department of physical education is conducting daily coaching camps for foot ball, cricket, volley ball, athletics, badminton, kabaddi and chess. All these teams are participating in the inter collegiate tournaments conducted by the university and private tournaments inside and outside Kerala.
  • The management is giving abundant support to promote sports activities by providing ample facilities and equipments.
  • The department of physical education is hosting an inter collegiate sports competition called AHAS every years from 2011 in football, cricket, volley ball, badminton, kabaddi and chess.


The department is conducting intramurals matches in football, cricket, volley ball, badminton, basket ball and athletics every year. Through this way we could identify the talented players from the whole college.

Kannan R Ramesh - HOD - Physical Education - DEPARTMENT

Kannan R Ramesh

Asst. Prof. – B.P.Ed., M.P.E.d.
Dir of Physical Education
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