KMEA Engineering College

Intellectual Property Right Cell (IPR Cell)

KMEA Engineering College recognizes that intangible assets such as inventions, copy right, designs, and other creative and innovative products generated by its faculty and students that provides the institute with a competitive advantage. As a result, it has developed an intellectual property right cell to guide its faculty, staff, students and research scholars on the institute’s practices and rules regarding intellectual property rights (IPR) and obligations, which include ownership, commercial exploitation, technology transfer, and end confidentiality requirements. The main objective is to encourage students and faculties to encourage entrepreneurial activities through research based outcomes that can lead to intellectual property rights (IPR), while assist incubations to obtain IPR. KMEA-IPR Cell has formulated an IPR policy that is intended to foster an environment conducive to both curiosity-driven and market-driven research and development activities at the institute, as well as the creation of original works of authorship. The major activities of IPR cell are:

IPR Cell Coordinator: Mr. Binish M C