KMEA Engineering College

Parents Teachers Association

The Parent Teacher Association looks into all the activities of the college for the betterment of the facilities and overall functioning of the Institution. The PTA Executive Council meets at regular intervals and the annual general body meets once in a year and ‘PTA Meetings ‘ are conducted every semester.

In a general meeting of Parents & Teachers, PTA Executive committee members are elected from each department, every year in the beginning of academic session. The Principal is the president. The Vice president is elected from among the parents. The secretary is elected from among the teachers. The executive body is entrusted to plan, execute and take necessary decisions for the overall development of the students and college.

The PTA takes active interest and participation in academic and co-curricular programmes of the students. Various welfare schemes are undertaken by this association. Besides the regular meetings of the executive, emergency meetings are also conducted when a need arises. PTA is strongly involved in the conduct of admissions, the internal examinations, open house, sports, university youth festivals, medical care etc…
KMEA Engineering College

The objectives of the association are :

PTA Executive Committee Members - 2023-2024

Members (Staff)
