KMEA Engineering College

Department Association

GEE (Guild Of Electronic Engineers)

GEE, the electronics Association of KMEA Engineering College is the joint endeavor of the staff and students of electronics and communication department. Gee organizes programs and activities in the field of electronic engineering for the benefit of the engineering fraternity and the advancement of general welfare.


  • To organize an association day on each academic year.
  • To organize programs and activities in the field of electronic engineering for the benefit of the engineering fraternity and the advancement of general welfare.
  • To conduct lecture series, seminars, workshops, discussions, demonstrations, industrial visits, contests & competitions and also assign projects to students.
  • To organize a farewell day at the end of every academic year.

To fulfill all the proposed plans from the department which would lead to the technical advancement of KMEA Engineering College.


Inaugurated by PROF. S THOMAS, Chief Technology Officer, VVDN Technologies, USA on 21st august 2013 at KMEA Engineering College. The Director, Principal and Head of the departments were present at that auspicious moment.

Technical Talk on ‘Engineering Design’

Prof. S Thomas, Chief Technology Officer, VVDN Technologies delivered an excellent talk on the topic ‘Engineering Design’ on 21st august 2013 for the students and faculties of Electronics and communication engineering department.

Technical Talk on ‘Design with Microcontrollers’

Mr. Niras, a Freelancer in Electronics delivered an excellent talk on the topic ‘Design with Microcontrollers’ on 9th January 2014 for the students and faculties of Electronics and communication engineering department.

KAINOTOMIA: Quiz Competition by GEE

The KMEA Engineering College witnessed the battle of grey cells at an intra College Quiz Competition ‘KAINOTOMIA’ conducted by GEE (Guild of Electronics Engineers), the association of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, which concluded here on Thursday 13th August 2015. The competition was inaugurated by the Principal, Dr. T K Mani. The Quiz masters were Mr. Azvad V A and Mr. Amal Augustine from S7 ECA. The competition was aimed at developing the knowledge and excellence base among the students through healthy and highly motivating meet.The competition was divided into two rounds. In the first round there were 21 batches of 2 students participated. Out of this five batches were selected to the second round. In the second round Mr. Azvad V A bombarded the students with questions. The questions are from different technical branches. Mazes of intuited and interesting questions were asked to the students, testing each aspect of the educational knowledge base like Engineering knowledge, famous quotes, science etc. Hassan Sahl and Akhil George of S7 CE-A students bagged the top honours while Ravi Shankar and Jipson Baby of S7 CS stood second. Farhan Mohammed Rashid and Amritha Santhosh of S7 EC-A showed an amazing performance and a great spirit and positioned themselves as the third.

Chennai Relief Fund

Mr. Niras, a Freelancer in Electronics delivered an excellent talk on the topic ‘Design with Microcontrollers’ on 9th January 2014 for the students and faculties of Electronics and communication engineering department.

Association Day Celebration

KAINOTOMIA2016: Quiz Competition by GEE

The KMEA Engineering College witnessed the battle of grey cells at an intra College Quiz Competition ‘KAINOTOMIA2016’ conducted by GEE (Guild of Electronics Engineers), the association of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, which concluded here on Thursday 24th March 2016. The competition was inaugurated by the Principal, Dr. T K Mani. The Quiz masters were Mr. Azvad V A and Mr. Amal Augustine from S7 ECA. The competition was aimed at developing the knowledge and excellence base among the students through healthy and highly motivating meet.The competition was divided into two rounds. In the first round there were 28 batches of 2 students participated. Out of this six batches were selected to the second round. In the second round Mr. Azvad V A bombarded the students with questions. The questions are from different technical branches. Mazes of intuited and interesting questions were asked to the students, testing each aspect of the educational knowledge base like Engineering knowledge, famous quotes, science etc. Cash prize is given to first and second places.

Professional Bodies

Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers(IEEE)

 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is a global professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Established in 1963, IEEE has grown to become the world’s largest technical professional society. It brings together engineers, scientists, and professionals from various disciplines to collaborate and innovate in areas such as electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.

IEEE provides a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and the development of standards that shape the technological landscape. With a vast membership and a presence in over 160 countries, IEEE plays a crucial role in fostering technological advancements and addressing global challenges. IEEE KMEA was established in 2012. IEEE Signal Processing Society(IEEE SPS) was established under IEEE KMEA in 2022. IEEE KMEA is committed to promoting the goals and objectives of IEEE. It serves as a hub for local engineers, researchers, and professionals, providing a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill development. The IEEE KMEA organizes conferences, workshops, and events to facilitate learning and networking among its members. IEEE KMEA SPS was awarded the outstanding emerging student branch chapter award in the year 2022. Through its various technical activities and initiatives, IEEE KMEA contributes to the growth and development of the technology community in the region, fostering innovation and excellence

Institution Of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. IETE today, is one of the prominent technical institutions to provide education to working professionals in India and is fast expanding its wings across the country through its 60+ Centres. Since 1953, IETE has expanded its educational activities in areas of Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Science and Information Technology. IETE Students Forum of KMEA Engineering College was inaugurated on 12th October 2009 by the former NPOL Director, Shri V Chander. The IETE of KMEA conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia to provide continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members. All the staff and Students in our departments are actively involved in various programs conducted by IETE,Kochi Chapter.IETE Students Forum of KMEA gotbbest ISF award under Kochi center during 2020-2022. IETE Students Forum (ISF), KMEA Engineering College.


  • To organize technical programmes and activities, such as, special lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, exhibitions etc for the benefit of student members.

  • To provide a common platform for the student members to exchange ideas and information on the technical topics of their interest or emerging trends.

  • To facilitate technical visits / practical training / project work.

  • To encourage team work and the spirit of self-reliance among the student

Institution Of Engineers (IEI)

The Institution of Engineers (India) is the national organization of engineers in India. The Institution of Engineers (India) has more than one million members in 15 engineering disciplines in 114 centers or chapters in India and overseas; it is the world’s largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society in engineering and technology world.The Institution Of Engineers (india) – Kochi Local Centre in Homoeo Hospital Road, Ernakulam has been successful in moulding young and bright minds interested in pursuing the various engineering sciences.We ,the faculty members of ECE are associated with IEI for providing better training to our students.